Move that Body…When and How you Want!

Have you ever questioned the reason you exercise, Or maybe you have already answered this in your mind..  

As Elle Woods in Legally Blonde said “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy…” The rest of the quote can be chanted in your mind.  This is a true statement. Exercise does elevate the mood and can impact overall health. But, exercise can also be viewed as punishment or a chore. 

What do you do to move your body?  Does the choice, make you happy? This should be a moment, where you make this self discovery… If it doesn’t make you happy… then don’t do it! Moving your body should be out of enjoyment. Exercise is not punishment or provides permission to eat or feel worthy.  It can be dancing in the kitchen listening to your favorite song. It can be playing frisbee with your dog in the park. Or it can be taking a run, if running is something you love! 

Take time to move your body… with joy!


Diet Culture Is Deplorable


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