Diet Culture Is Deplorable

Diet culture is centered on body weight and weight loss.  This culture has created harm and impacted the confidence of many individuals. One example is that it has taught us to believe that the 2 main diet patterns are Keto or Plant based. Think about this for one logical second, It is insanity!  These are two different extreme eating patterns, What is more crazy is the countless nutrition books written by celebrities or new nutritional products promoted by influencers. The most outrageous is the individuals with the credentials or education are faded into the backdrop. It important to seek nutritional guidance for your own individual needs by a medical professional. There are so many factors that influence the best nutrition pattern for your own unique needs. Diet Culture ignores these needs to create a multi-billion dollar industry. 

Diet Culture also promises lies of the newest fad diet or supplement to provide the fountain of youth. Diet culture also feeds us with the idea we are not worthy and there is room to improve.  It makes us believe that we can control our genes or predetermined body shape. It is a confusing enemy that always changes rules and never allows a win. It is the little devil on the shoulder in the cartoon.  So basically Diet Culture is deplorable.

Standing up to Diet Culture includes remembering your worth and unique self.  It is remembering that all bodies are enough and being different is beauty.  It is taking advice from credentialed sources and being an advocate for your own health. It is is being empowered! Be aware of this negative culprit that pokes its head in newsfeeds, blogs, or IG stories.  


All Foods Are Allowed


Move that Body…When and How you Want!